Staffordshire Bull Terrier 1935®

Staffy Facts Answers

Here are the answers to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier facts trivia. Did you know the answers?

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 1935®

Staffy Facts Answers #5:

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 1935®

Staffy Facts Answers #5:

Question: What colors are recognized as breed standard for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Answer: Did you cheat and look at the photo too :)?The correct answer is red, fawn, white, black or blue, or any one of these colors with white. Any shade of brindle or any shade of brindle with white. Black and tan or liver color are highly undesirable.Below you will get even more info!

Answer: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier quickly became a popular dog breed for breeding champions and went from a fighting dog to a dog show king and queen. Attending shows is popular even nowadays and it is common that breeders ask their buyers to take their offspring on to shows and carry on the legend of show staffies. Below you will get even more info!

Answer: The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was also popular amongst many in society. Famous painter Anthony Pitt even started having a Staffy theme when painting. Many of his paintings are to be found at Barnebys Auction houses. If you see one, you should try to get one!

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 1935®

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